Text Box:           "Participate in the Gaza page and don't stint"


I have written about Gaza and the Jews and said

 I am Abdullah the Muslim,

I will free all Palestine and not just Gaza


     The previous title is compulsory introduction of a page for every one who wants to join us and participate in making Gaza one of the topics in Guinness encyclopedia. And this will be done by writing a book about Gaza, and we hope to have at least 2000 writers the first step, where the title of the book is


I have written about Gaza


the Jews and Said ...


We will receive your participations, which is a page for each participant.

However, it is according to the following conditions:

1. The participant has to write the same above introduction and this to union all participations.

2. The topic must be consist of at least 20 lines in one page of A4 size ( Arial font, size 14).

3. You should include the following:

¯ The real or symbolic name of the participant.

¯ The age, address and country.

4. All Participations have to be sent to this E-mail:




5. Any financial benefits out of this idea are a gift to the Palestinian people.

      Finally, I would like to thank every one participated in this project.


God bless all of you

Notes about writing the participation.

1.  All the participations should begin with the text mentioned above.

2. You must concentrate on the crimes of the Jews and  what you can do against them; you and the other Muslims

3. Do not talk about the people who made relations with Jews or others who do not talk about this  sad situation.

4. The owner of the idea has the right to exclude any part that does not go with the previous mentioned  notes. And  keeping  the rest of the text or asking the person who wrote the text to rewrite it.




السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بسم الله